Gordon Fiebig, My Friend
Last night I found out that my Muay Thai instructor, Gordon Fiebig, died while training at Black Trunks MMA on Wednesday night. Apparently, he was training and stated that he didn't feel well, and a few seconds later he just passed out. An autopsy was ran yesterday, I'm still not sure of the results.
This tragic event serves as a solemn reminder that anyone anywhere can go at anytime. From this point on, I will begin to value time more so than I have in the past, in remembrance of Gordon's life and for his love for Muay Thai.
Gordon was originally from Germany, but moved to the states sometime ago. He was roughly 6'4", and was the prime example of a what a true athlete should be. He worked out constantly; sometimes I contemplated whether he was man or machine. He loved Muay Thai very much; I remember having a conversation with him a while ago about it. He said, in a very rough, Germanic accent "Man, I love this Muay Thai, I can't imagine doing anything else." Aside from his intimidating exterior, he was a very kind individual. His instruction perfectly resembled the concept of 'tough-love'; he was a one of a kind instructor. I will miss him, just as I'm sure everyone that ever met him will as well.
R.I.P. Gordon, we'll miss you.
This tragic event serves as a solemn reminder that anyone anywhere can go at anytime. From this point on, I will begin to value time more so than I have in the past, in remembrance of Gordon's life and for his love for Muay Thai.
Gordon was originally from Germany, but moved to the states sometime ago. He was roughly 6'4", and was the prime example of a what a true athlete should be. He worked out constantly; sometimes I contemplated whether he was man or machine. He loved Muay Thai very much; I remember having a conversation with him a while ago about it. He said, in a very rough, Germanic accent "Man, I love this Muay Thai, I can't imagine doing anything else." Aside from his intimidating exterior, he was a very kind individual. His instruction perfectly resembled the concept of 'tough-love'; he was a one of a kind instructor. I will miss him, just as I'm sure everyone that ever met him will as well.
R.I.P. Gordon, we'll miss you.
Hello Gordon,
i am so aghast about your dead. i have read about your dead in our local german newspaper. i hope in this place , you are right now is the best place ever. See you i heaven.
A old friend from germany
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM
Hello Gordon,
All your friends will miss you very
And you will never be forgotten
In deep mourning
an old friend
Mike, Heidenheim/Germany
Anonymous, at 10:26 AM
dear gordon,i will always love you and i'll never forget you. i will always remember our song ( freundeskreis, mit dir). we always had a very special time together. i kiss you and i miss you! patricia germany
Anonymous, at 3:47 PM
Hello Gordon,
we all will miss you,
we have lost a very special friend.
Your friends of the 4th class in school are sending you the best wishes to heaven.
It would be a pleasure for us if someone (hopefully from Heidenheim) can call me by my mobilephone to get the adress of Gordons parents, we want to tell them our feeling and send them some flowers.
Best Regards
Jochen Dünnebier
Anonymous, at 3:33 PM
Hello all,
this is Denise, Gordon's sister.
It is so nice to see that you cared for my brother so much.
If anyone feels the need to talk to me you can call me at home
from Germany 001-239-540-8466
US 239-540-8466
or e-mail to waterfrontbroker@aol.com
Denise Hudson
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
Gordon Fiebig
My friend who became a brother.
A tougher man I never knew! I always said he was like a little kid in a warriors body.
Gordon was kind and compassionate, he would give the shirt off his back to a stranger in need. But don't you dare piss him off. He had zero tolerence for bullies and/or cowards. You always knew Gordon had your back in a bad situation. I admired his strength and warmth. I also admired the way he expressed his love for his fiance Sue in public without a care what anyone thought about it. Most guys try to pretend to be too tough to show emotion or feeling, not Gordon. He would let you know exactly how he felt, good , bad or indifferent. As a friend and a fellow martial artist we laughed and we cried together, most of the time we laughed our heads off. I always had a good feeling when Gordon was around. I still see your face and I hear your voice my friend and I will keep you close to me always. I'm sorry that we couldn't go together because I know we would have been laughing all the way. But I will see you soon enough my friend and we will laugh our heads off.
Gordon Fiebig "A great man, a great friend, and a true Warrior"
Love you man,
Dan Torro
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM
Hi Gordon,
I’m soo very sad about your passing! I hope you are in the Happiest Place imaginable and are resting in peace. I will always pray for you and for your family, and fiancé, to get through this very difficult time. Always in my heart and never forgotten!
Virg, at 6:26 PM
hey gordon,
i couldn't believe it, now i see its true. i will miss you and i will always remember the good times we had...see you brother...mehmet dolma
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM
Mr Fiebig,
My son Wade, who has downs syndrome, studied under your son Gordon for two years. What a man! He was an amazing tutor who showed great humour, determind discipline, and above all friendship. We are so very sorry for your tragic loss.
Kind regards,
Wade and Cynthia
Cynthia, at 8:58 PM
Jo man you have hab allready your ticket to HDH and we were waiting for
you.Your sudden death is still unbelievable for us.we are shokt, deeple sad to loose you so early.it makes me very happy to see how many people want to say good by to you.Dan Torro you describe him in the best way.my sincere condolences to sue denise frank and mister fiebig.
rest in peace Gordon your friends will never forget you
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM
For all how what to see Gordon a last time. I found a honestly movie at youtube about Gordon.
Rest in peace
An old friend from germany
Anonymous, at 5:55 AM
You know Gordan as a strong, tough young man,with a kind side. This is one. Gordon last year saved Susanne's life. She had a horrific headache, didn't want to see the doctor, Gordon took her right away.
Sue was flown to the Tampa hospital, she had a brain aneurysm.
Sue was in the hospital for a month, Gordon was by her bedside the whole time. When he slept it was in the waiting room, he did not want to be far from Sue. We had several long talks, about his Germany, friends, and how much he loved Sue.
It was amazing to see this man being so gentle and tender,he would made sure Sue was warm, he fed her, bathed her, kissed her, brought little stuffed toys. His strong hands were so delicate when caring for her. Gordon would sit by her bed as she slept, wanting to be there when she awoke. For two weeks we were did not know what would happen, but he never showed he was scared in front of her.
They loved each other deeply,were to be married when he returned from his trip to Germany.They had so many great times together,Gordon took her to Germany and other countries to show her their beauty.
They had fun.
Gordon, with all his attributes, is a hero.
He was happy and in love.
Only once in a life time!
I am so saddened for Susanne, his family and friends.
Susanne's mom.
Anonymous, at 6:51 PM
Hello Gordon,
I can not believe you are gone. Although it has been many years since we last saw one another you were never forgotten you and your family are very much in my memories and my heart. I will see you in heaven and when I get there I promise I will not get mad if you give me a hard time.
Rest In Peace,
Carina, at 8:08 PM
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Anonymous, at 6:15 PM
A shout out to Germany! To all of Gordon's friends out there that are hurting. He shared many fond stories with me with a gleem in his eye whenever he talked about his friends in Germany. I know he was home sick many times and thought about you all often. I hope you will heal quickly and remember the good times which I'm sure you will. I feel your pain and it sucks beyond words. I only met Jose and he was cool as nails. So bless you all and I'm really sorry for your loss. Many times when I would first see Gordon I would yell " HEIDENHEIM " and he would smile from ear to ear. To you boys that covered his back many times, thank you. I wish I could bring him back. Can only remember the good times. The good times will ring forever!
Your friend in Florida,
Dan Torro
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM
Video and Memorial service:
To all the wonderful people who came to Gordon's Memorial service:
Thank you so very much for joining us on Saturday.
It was wonderful to meet everyone and to see how much Gordon was loved. Thank you for your support and kind words. It meant a lot to us to have everyone here and share our sorrow.
My Brother was very special.
I am still not sure who made the video about Gordon on You Tube. To be able to see and hear my brother one more time is the most precious gift to me. I know others feel the same way. People from all over the world have contacted me and told me how happy they are to be able to watch Gordon in this video.
So whoever you are, thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless you!
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM
R.I.P. Gordon
thank you for the video
p.s. the date of birthday is wrong "16.09.1970" please change
Anonymous, at 7:16 AM
Hey Gordon,
ich kanns nicht glauben das Du von uns gegangen bist. Ich hab Dich vor ein paar Jahren das letzte Mal in Deutschland gesehen und wir haben uns supertoll unterhalten. Das jemand das Video eingestellt hat von Dir bei youtube find ich klasse, so können doch die die Ehre hatten und Dich kennenlernen durften, von Dir nocheinmal ein paar Minuten aus deinem ach so kurzem Leben sehen. Da fällt mir nur noch ein Text der Onkels ein:" NUR DIE BESTEN STERBEN JUNG".
Ein alter Freund aus Steinheim
Anonymous, at 10:38 AM
This is 4 our-peep- UT We will miss all the time we had together.We will mourn U every-peep-day Homie.Thing'z won't be da same without ya-peep-. Smokin' blunt after blunt and steady drinkin' Hung around so much, U knew what I was thinkin.I hope U in this place,the place U search so long. I knew you found a litle peace of this place in florida and in Sue'U shouldn't feel no pain no more.Cause 1 day we'll all be together. GOD remember his face and save'd a place 4 him and 4 us all. I thing many people Watch over'Sue and her/your Familie Till we meet again Homie. PS.Sue he LOve'd you 4 real. D-BOY Mr.administrator i'm so sorry you don't like my 1.comment.but this ar the wordz we use'd when we hung around thatz some inside jokes U don't understud. Peace 4 all ya
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM
Did u hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete. Provig nature's laws,wrong it learned 2 walk without having feet. Funny it seems but by keeping it's dreams it learned 2 breath fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from a crack in concrete when no one else even cared! R.I.P Nig. du bleibst in unseren herzen. Bis dann!!!?
Anonymous, at 4:14 AM
All right; I wasn't sure if it was genuine or if it was someone just floating around the internet being foolish. My apologies.
Anon., at 7:59 AM
Dear Gordon,
when i heard that i won't believe, i was, just no way, but i'ts true and i still can not believe it.
Much Love for the Family.
We had such good timez 2gether, it is very sad that i didn't get a chance 2 see before you pass "Only God Can Judge" R.I.P
We'll miss ya, In deep mourning
from B-Cap
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM
Susanne, Denise, Frank and Mr. Fiebig,
I have known Gordon for a couple of years from seeing him at F2K. He was such a gentle soul in a big intimidating body. I will remember him in his white t-shirt and blue scrub pants. He would take breaks during his workout to find sue and make sure she was doing ok. He loved her so much, you could see it in the way he looked at her. There are not too many people like him, and he will surely be missed. You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Pam Hill (F2K)
Unknown, at 5:54 PM
It amazes me how much someone like Gordon can change your life in so little time. I trained with Gordon for a few months at Torro dojo, it was some of the most fun I have ever had. Gordon and I went shooting at the gun range less than 2 weeks before his untimely death. He was so alive and full of life. I will miss him. He was a great man. I wish all of those who are hurting for this loss a hearty apology for this great loss. His life will live on forever in those who knew him. RIP Gordon, and thank you.
Scott Gleason
Anonymous, at 6:32 PM
Lieber Gordon,
thanks for pushing me to Skydive on Sunday. Just had to get up into those clouds to be close to you.
It was the best feeling I've ever had!
Love Denise
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM
Dear Gordon,
today, four weeks after your gone, it´s still unbelievable that you´re not there anymore. But now it´s time to say "GOOD BYE MY FRIEND". Even if we lately hadn´t that much contact it was a great pleasure for me to join you here in Heidenheim/Germany. You were one of my best friend Gordon. I love you so much!! c ya brother. Rest in peace my NIGGA!
Carlo from Heidenheim a.k.a. PCP
!!!!RIP Homie!!!!!!!
Sue, Denise and Mr. Fiebig mein herzliches Beileid!
PS: Thank you Dan Torro & Daniel Rigby
Anonymous, at 12:42 PM
Dear Gordon,
So many things have happened over the past month that I would have called you to share or we would have talked about over a meal. The shock is gone but the pain of missing you is very strong. I'm moving on to a new venture and I am scared but i am taking you with me. Each time I start getting nervous I can hear your voice; " Go Dan Go !" Thanks for watching my back even after you moved on by brother. To Carlo in Heidenheim, the gratitude is all mine, live in peace.
Dan Torro
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
You're welcome Carlo from Heidenheim.
Anon., at 7:43 AM
Hello everyone!
I know many of you are wondering why Gordon died.
I spoke to the medical examiner yesterday:
Gordon died of a heart attack caused by a combination of an enlarged heart and blockage of the arteries to the heart.
We all know Gordon as this strong, lien, athletic guy who looked so healthy. The doctor said that a body like Gordon’s would scream for food all day. Those who knew Gordon well, know that he would eat six times a day. And oh boy – God forbid there wasn’t food right then and there when he wanted it!
Well, Gordon loved pasta, fries, bread, burgers….The medical examiner said that those carbs are not good at all. Carbs increase the cholesterol and that leads to blockage of the arteries. He said it’s not the fat that’s bad for us it’s the carbs. He said Gordon would have been better off eating a block of cheese than a plate of pasta.
I know and the Doctor confirmed that Gordon did not take any kind of Drugs that could have caused this and he also said that there was most likely nothing anybody could have done to save his life.
I hope that we can all learn something from this tragic loss. Take good care of yourself, live healthy – just working out and staying fit is not enough!
Eat your vegetables!
Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
Unbeliveable, how lives treat us.
1 year since u past away.
But u still in my heart.
Filiz xxx
Filiz S., at 7:12 AM
Hi Gordon,
es ist immernoch so unecht, ich vermisse Dich sehr, Du fehlst in meinem Leben.........
Anonymous, at 10:57 AM
Hallo Gordon,
die Zeit schreitet weiter voran und viele Dinge ändern sich, aber dass Du trotzallem noch in meinem Leben fehlst wird sich wohl nie ändern. Ich vermisse Dich sehr und wünsche mir dich in einem anderen "Leben" wieder zu treffen.
Carlo (HDH)
Anonymous, at 6:16 AM
Still hurts so much. I miss you,
your sister
Denise, at 3:41 PM
Ich bin nur in das Zimmer nebenan gegangen.
Ich bin ich, ihr seid ihr.
Was ich für euch war,
bin ich immer noch.
Lacht weiterhin über das,
worüber wir gemeinsam gelacht haben.
Betet, lacht, denkt an mich,
und trinkt auf mich,
damit mein Name ausgesprochen wird,
so wie es immer war,
ohne irgendeine besondere Betonung,
ohne die Spur eines Schattens -
Und hört Musik.
Der Faden ist nicht durchschnitten.
Warum soll ich nicht mehr in
euren Gedanken sein,
nur weil ich nicht mehr in eurem Blickfeld bin?
Ich bin nicht weit weg,
nur auf der anderen Seite des Weges.
R.I.P Filiz xxx
Anonymous, at 5:55 AM
Ich liebe Dich und vermisse Dich unendlich! 2 Jahre
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM
Das Du nicht mehr da bist.
Das es unwiderbrinchlich ist.
Das es immer die falschen trifft.
Das es trifft wie ein Hammer nach all den Jahren.
Das man nichts dagegen machen kann.
Das Du trotzdem so gegenwärtig bist...
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
Thinking of you :) REST IN PEACE GORDON!
Anonymous, at 10:37 PM
Hello I ám Peter from Germany .... I spend a real good time with my Homeboy Gordon in Heidenheim Club.
SAD!! RIP my Friend!
Anonymous, at 9:08 AM
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