University Suckers

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fallacious Nonsense

I was in the library yesterday and stumbled across a webpage dedicated to nothing but criticisms on Objectivism. While I'm not an expert on Objectivist thought, I did notice that most of the essays - which are written by people with some serious academic 'umph' - are pretty easy to crack, even for me. One of the links that really caught my eye was this one. Observe:
"True self-reliance has been misconstrued by Ayn Rand and like-minded people. What they are truly advocating is self-indulgence! The true Randian thought is "I've got mine, I'm going to keep it, and to hell with everyone else!" One of the more frightening examples of Ms. Rand and her follower's self indulgence was when Ayn Rand's casket was draped in dollar bills at her 1982 funeral!
Ayn Rand and people of like minded principles, have referred to people in need as "parasites" and "non-producers." Can there be any doubt that this line of thinking flies in the face of true Christianity?"
"Let us take the displeasure of the Objectivist a step further. If they are true to their principles, no one should help them if they are in dire need. If an Objectivist has a car accident and their car is on fire and they are trapped, no one should give up their time long enough to pull them out! If one of their children are drowning in a swimming pool, a person has no moral obligation to jump in and save them. The thousands of rescue workers who volunteered night and day following the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, were wrongly giving up their time! Those New York City fire fighters who worked even when off the clock must be fools in the eyes of the Randian's."

It's more than obvious that this person didn't read one page of Ayn Rand's work. The author did get something right; towards the very end of the article the author said "You can either be a follower of Ayn Rand or you can follow Jesus Christ. You cannot serve God and man." The choice is easy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Gruesome Acts of Socialism

If you watch this video will you soon noticed that most of (if not all) the facts do not pertain to America.

I couldn't resist commenting on the film and because of me not being able to hold my tongue, I got this:
Heh, talk about educating ourselves when all your "facts" are so ridiculously opinionated... it's almost disgusting. Capitalism is not freedom... capitalism is whats preventing what you call "socialsit" nations from developing. You're a fucking idiot if you think the U.K. is socialist. They are a parliamentarian nation, they elect a "president" also called a Prime Minister. You're stupidity is flabbergasting and really horrible, just proves your indoctrination in the schools of the U.S. went perfectly well, but you get all A's or some shit."Free people" wouldn't allow themselves to let people live like that. If you had a twelve-year old sister and you gave them a cell phone you'd see how outrageous the action really is while "half of the world's population have to live on $2 a day"... oh sorry you couldn't come up with a rebuttal for that one. Neither could you rebut the fact that the CEO of Disney makes almost 9,500 more dollars than the worker who makes his products that make him profit. I wish you could even define communism and socialism. Most of the world is capitalist.. or to say most of the governmental economies. Look at what capitalism did with the U.S.S.R., yes it was a capitalist nation just a form of state capitalism. You should get yourself educated buddy before you go around accusing the U.K. as a socialist nation and also Canada... how the fuck is Canada socialist... lol you make me sick. Easy for you to say that you can start your own business when you're disabled.. yeah good luck with that, the majority of "self-employed" people end up working their asses off because they are competing with the multi-nationals. Try to start a business selling groceries when theres a Walmart or Dominicks a block a way. You'll fail within a week. Capitalism is what is holding the world back from freedom and prosperity, not giving it to the world. Go read then come back and argue, I would be happy to rebuke your reply.

Anarchy and Peace!

My reply*:
"Heh, talk about educating ourselves when all your "facts" are so ridiculously opinionated... it's almost disgusting"

Facts cannot be opinionated.

"Capitalism is not freedom... capitalism is whats preventing what you call "socialsit" nations from developing."

Capitalism is the freedom to choice to buy something or not. How isn't this freedom?

"You're a fucking idiot if you think the U.K. is socialist. They are a parliamentarian nation, they elect a "president" also called a Prime Minister."

Because a country has a president does not mean that the country is not socialist. Doesn't Venezuela have a president (Hugo Chavez) and didn't Nazi Germany have a Prime Minister (Adolf Hitler) as well? Here's a clue; the term "Nazi" is a condensed version of the phrase "National Socialist". Pick up a book.

"You're stupidity is flabbergasting and really horrible, just proves your indoctrination in the schools of the U.S. went perfectly well, but you get all A's or some shit."

I'm glad you rely on personal attacks rather than reason.

"Free people" wouldn't allow themselves to let people live like that."

Isn't that the opposite of freedom? Do you even know what freedom is? By being free, I am not obligated to another. Welcome to the definition of freedom.

"Neither could you rebut the fact that the CEO of Disney makes almost 9,500 more dollars than the worker who makes his products that make him profit."

So you think the answer to this "problem" is to force the CEO of Disney to fork over his money? And again, the worker is not a slave; he is free to quit his job whenever he wishes, possibly to find another one that pays more.

"Most of the world is capitalist.. or to say most of the governmental economies."

No it isn't. To be capitalist is to hold a laissez-faire system. Laissez-faire translates from French to English as "Hands off", pertaining directly to the government. Your definition of capitalism as "governmental economies" is completely invalid since it contradicts the true definition of what capitalism is. Furthermore, I will agree with you that most of the world does have mixed economies as well as socialist ones. That's why the video represents how shitty the rest of the world, that is steering away from capitalism, really is.

"Look at what capitalism did with the U.S.S.R., yes it was a capitalist nation just a form of state capitalism. You should get yourself educated buddy before you go around accusing the U.K. as a socialist nation and also Canada... how the fuck is Canada socialist... lol you make me sick."

The U.S.S.R. was communist. If you don't believe that then, well, all is lost for you. Canada has socialist tendencies because it practices universal health care. You have to jump on a waiting list forever just to see a doctor. In Canada your dog can get a hip replacement before you can. Sounds like a great nation to me.

"Try to start a business selling groceries when theres a Walmart or Dominicks a block a way. You'll fail within a week."

It's not Walmart's fault that they offer the lowest prices possible and people willing, and freely choose to shop there. The fact is this: smaller companies can compete, but when they do fail, they want the government to keep them afloat even when they don't deserve to be. To show that smaller companies can compete, take under-armor for example. This company started out with a stock worth around $12 a couple of years ago and competed against the world's biggest sport-clothing manufacturer, Nike. Now their stock is around $55 a share and Nike has tried to buy them out more than once and under-armour resfuses to sell. Case and point.

"Anarchy and Peace!"

There will never be peace with anarchy.

It's obvious that you're brainwashed. Either write back using intelligible English, or don't waste your time.


And to think their healthcare system is bad! Their countries health-plan looks incredible when standing next to their educational one!

And could anyone out there, define what 'state capitalism' is? Please?**

*Minor edits.

**I have a hunch that a definition doesn't exist since 'state capitalism' is a contradiction in terms.

Monday, August 20, 2007

2nd Amendment Stuff

An accurate picture I ran across. This summer has been very hectic for me. I've been working the entire time - I know it's no excuse - but it does explain my lack of dedication to blogging.

Over the course of the summer, I've read nothing but books on the evils of gun control. After reading The Seven Myths of Gun Control, More Guns, Less Crime, and Target Switzerland I am more than convinced that the 2nd Amendment is the most overlooked issue in politics today. Neither party wants anything to do with the topic; they could all care less. This is why, later in the week I will be putting together another blog, dedicated solely to the preservation of the 2nd Amendment.